Mining сэтгүүл-н 10-н сарын шинэ хэвлэл гарлаа та бүхэн доорх линкээр орж уншана уу ?
#10 | Obuasi | 29,830,000 Oz Gold
Location: GHANA, western Africa
In the #10 spot is Obuasi, owned by major gold producer AngloGold Ashanti. It is primarily a high-grade underground mine with periodic open-pit operations during its long history. It is located in the Ashanti region of southwest Ghana in western Africa; a prolific gold producing region for centuries. The underground operation extends to a depth of 1,500 meters or 4,900 feet (almost a mile). Mining began at Obuasi more than 110 years ago, in 1897 when it was originally known as the Ashanti Mine.
#9 | CADIA EAST | 37,600,000 Oz Gold
Location: New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
In the #9 spot is Cadia East, owned by Australian major Newcrest. The large underground mining operation is part of a trio of gold mines, in close proximity to one another, known collectively as Newcrest's Cadia Valley Operations, roughly 250 kilometers west of Sydney. The other two mines are Cadia Hill and Ridgeway. Cadia Hill is a large open-pit mine nearing the end of its useful life just as the newly developed Cadia East recently began its expected 30 year mine life. Gold was first discovered in the gold and copper bearing Cadia region in 1851 and Cadia East was discovered in 1994.
#8 | MPONENG | 39,557,000 Oz Gold
Location: Near Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
In the #8 spot is Mponeng, owned by South African major AngloGold Ashanti. It is located just 65km west of Johannesburg in one of the world's most prolific mining regions known as the Witwatersrand. In addition to being one of the largest, Mponeng is also one of the world's deepest underground mines. It extends over 2 miles below the surface and it takes over an hour to reach the bottom. The rocks at this depth reach a temperature of 150 degrees farenheit requiring slurry ice be pumped underground to cool the environment down to a bearable 85 degrees.
#7 | PUEBLO VIEJO | 40,085,000 Oz Gold
Coming in at #7 is Pueblo Viejo, owned jointly by majors Barrick (60%) and Goldcorp (40%). This large deposit is located in the Dominican Republic, roughly 100km northwest of the capital of Santo Domingo. It might surprise some that this small island nation is rich in mineral reserves. The open pit mine is very new and began production in January 2013. It also has large silver and copper reserves to complement its gold deposit. As it ramps up to full production, it will also be one of the largest producers in the world, but we'll save production figures for a separate Top 10 List.
#6 | OYU TOLGOI | 46,340,000 Oz Gold
Location: South Gobi Desert, MONGOLIA
At #6 on our list is Oyu Tolgoi, owned jointly by Rio Tinto (34%), Turquoise Hill (32%) and Mongolia (34%). This is another newly developed mammoth deposit located in the remote southern reaches of Mongolia. The mine cost the princely sum of US$6.6B to develop and went into production in January 2013. In addition to its 46Moz+ of gold, it also contains over 40 billion pounds of copper worth US$140B. It's really a copper mine masquerading as a gold mine. It will also be one of the largest gold and copper producers on earth as it ramps up to full production.
#5 | OLYMPIADA | 47,500,000 Oz Gold
Benches are possibly the most distinguishing feature of an open pit. Benches can be divided in into working benches and inactive benches. Working benches are in the process of being excavated, whereas inactive benches are the remnants of working benches left in place to maintain pit slope stability.
Догол нь ил уурхайн хамгийн онцлог шинж тэмдэг юм. Догол нь ажлын ба ажлын бус догол гэж хуваагддаг. Ажлын догол нь ухаж ачигдаж байдаг бол ажлын бус догол нь уурхайн хажуугийн тогтворжилтыг хангах зорилгоор үлдээсэн ажлын доголыг үлдээц билээ.
Between main benches, catch benches are left in place to prevent cascading material from compromising safety in active areas of an operation. Dozers or front end loaders can be used to aid the main excavator to maintaining good floor conditions. Furthermore, they can increase main excavator efficiency by reshaping the muck pile to increase bucket fill factors, and possibly aid in the selective mining of ore and barren rock.
Haul roads
Haul roads constitute a key element of an open –pit mine, providing the main haulage route for ore and overburden from active excavating areas to the pit rim or beyond.
The selection and application of a suitable wearing course, combined with regularapplication of water and chemical suppressants, are most feasible and effective options for dust suppression measures. In addition to the measures discussed previously, avoiding spillage also plays an important role in fugitive dust suppression and, possibly more importantly, prolonging tire life.
Some of the main contributes to a high rolling resistance and bad haul road performance are inadequate wearing course construction application as well as haul road defects such as potholing, rutting, loose material (dust and stones), corrugations (commonly referred as washboards), surface cracking, and insufficient drainage.
Overburden disposal
Overburden forms, by far, the largest volume of material produced by most open – pit mines. Overburden is deposited either top – down or bottom up. End dumping (or top – down dumping) of overburden involves dumping the material over an advancing face. During operation of the dump, only limited reworking of material by dozers is required. Recontouring starts after the end of the dump life. In paddock dumping (also knowing as bottom – up dumping), the layers of overburden are stacked by dumping on top of the dump, followed with spreading by bulldozers to form relatively thin layers.
Pit Expansion
Expansion of an open – pit mine is done in a series of phases, often referred to as pushbacks or cut backs.
Pushbacks can be either conventional or sequential. Essentially, both methods push back a pit shell the same distance horizontally; however, sequential pushback does this through a number of smaller, active benches pushed simultaneously at several levels, whereas a conventional pushback mines the whole horizontal extent of push back level before progressing to the next level. Different zones of sequential pushbacks are divided by haulroads.
Идэвхитэй үйл ажиллагаа явагдаж байгаа хэсэгт аюулгүй ажиллагааг хангах материал унахаас урьдчилан сэргийлжүндсэн доголуудын хооронд барих доголуудыг үлдээдэг. Улны нөхцөлийг сайтар хангахын тулд үндсэн экскаваторт тусалж бульдозер болон утгуурт ачигч ашиглаж болно. Үүнээс гадна тэдгээрийг нурлыг хэлбэршүүлж шанага дүүргэлтийг нэмэгдүүлэх замаар үндсэн экскаваторын ашигт ажиллагааг нэмэгдүүлэх, хүдэр ба хоосон чулуулгийг ялгаж ачих зэрэгт ашиглаж болно.
Уурхайн автозам
Уурхайн автозам нь ил уурхайнчухал элемент бөгөөд ухаж ачих идэвхтэй бүсээс хөрс болон хүдрийг уурхайн хүрээ болон түүнээс гадагш тээвэрлэх боломжийг хангадаг.
Замын хучилтыг зөв сонгож усан болон химийн тоос дарагчийг тогтмол хэрэглэх ньхамгийн дөт ба үр дүнтэй тоос дарах арга юм. Асгацаас зайлсхийх нь өмнө дурдсан арга хэрэгсэлүүд дээр нэмээд тоос дэгдэлтийг дарахаас гадна түүнээс илүү чухал байж болох дугуйны насжилтыг уртасгах чухал ач хобогдолтой. Өнхрөлтийнөндөр эсэргүүцэл болон автозамын бүрэн бус ашиглалтанд хүргэх зарим гол шалтгаан нь тохироогүй замын хучилт болон нүх хонхорхой, мөр, сийрэг материал(тоос ба чулуу), дэржигнүүр (нийтэд угаалгын нидрүүлэг), гадаргуугийн хагарал,хангалттай бус ус таталт зэрэгтэй холбоотой автозамын эвдрэл багтдаг.
Хөрсний овоолго
Өнөөг хүртэл хөрсний овоолго нь ихэнхи ил уурхайн үйлдвэрлэлийн бүтээгдэхүүний хамгийн их хэмжээг эзэлсээр ирсэн. Хөрс нь дээрээс доош,болон доороос дээшээ байдлаар байршуулагдаж болдог. Хөрсийг босоо ахилттай (дээрээсээ доошоо) овоолох үедматериалыг ахилтын мөргөцөгийг давуулж буулгадаг. Овоолгын проссын явцад зөвхөн бага хэмжээний материалыг бульдозероор дахин шүлжүүлэх шаардлага гардаг. Овоолгын гүйцсэний дараа дахинхэлбэршүүлэх ажил эхэлдэг. Хэвтээ ахилттай овоолох (мөн доороосоо дээшээ овоолох гэж ярьдаг) үед хөрсний давхаргыг овоолгын дээгүүр буулгаж бульдозероор харьцангуй нимгэн үе үүсгэж тараадаг.
Уурхайн тэлэлт
Ил уурхайн тэлэлт нь ахилт буюу орол гэх дараалсан хэд хэдэн үе шатуудаар хэрэгждэг. Ахилт нь энгийн ба цуварсан байж болно. Үндсэндээ хоёр арга уурхайн хүрээг хэвтээ; гэвч цуварсан ахилтын үед хэд хэдэн түвшинд нэгэн зэрэг жижиг ажлын доголуудаар хэрэгждэг бол энгийн ахилтаар ахилтын түвшин дэх бүх хэвтээ тэлэлт нөгөө түвшинд шилжихийн өмнө бүрэн ашиглагддаг. Цуварсан ахилтын өөр өөр бүсүүд хоорондоо автозамаар тусгаарлагддаг.
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